Monday, June 27, 2016

I Loved YOU So Hard I Broke

I Loved YOU So hard I Broke

Dear Collective YOU

I am looking backward
to the intensity
to what gives so much
to all the stock I put in YOU
The infatuation, the electric charge, glances in passing, small lines that form a semi smile
fingers laced together and skipped heartbeats and breath taken away
To the thoughts of what happened and what might have been
So many words written about us
Sometimes in small cursive with a grease pencil covering large pieces of paper
But that’s not what I am dwelling on at this moment
I am thinking about how the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end like a T.S. Elliot poem in Four Quartets
He actually was right and not just artistically confusing

On the precipice of infamous beginnings and endings that are really endings and beginnings I turn my head
And see YOU
Away from me
Holding my stomach in, measuring myself, inventing new and better ways to be me, thinking how I can be more
always so much more
so YOU will not leave
Even though I only asked once and that was in a whisper, barely audible
almost to myself
It was an airport for God’s sake
We both know how that worked out

Speaking of beginnings
My father told me I would get married
and be taken care of
I was already outlined by his shadow
not realizing I was the one doing the taking care of
Cultivating an art
Icing on the cake
Using assets
Being creative and interesting but only so smart
I lost a race in 5th grade on purpose to boys
I was a fast like the wind sprinter
Did I realize what I lost that day was more than a race?

My body changed
I sweated out so much longing hot flashing
Stopped holding my stomach in
and banging my head against the wall
trying to more of everything
All that wonderfulness
left flat with exhaustion (which is actually a good thing)
emptying my insides out
Hoping beyond hope
If only
If only
If only I had let myself win that race and turned the corner in victory
You start to think about your mother differently
I’m so sorry
I had no idea

My daughter thinks I sound depressing
I get it because I thought ending up alone like Nadia was a death sentence (hey P remember when we rolled our eyes in superiority)
Then I found new horizons and realized dreams that needed energy I used to dole out to YOU
I can still love YOU I say but differently
It’s still love to me
And it’s everywhere
In subtle and vibrant colors
In trees gently rustling in a warm afternoon breeze
In the faces of my children
In my doggies
In my no longer talking mother
In friends who don’t give up on me
In courage I wish I had
In grace and humility and letting go
In what’s given and taken
In forgiveness
In all of YOU


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